charging stations for hospitals

Blog tagged as charging stations for hospitals

Don't Let Mobile Computers Mobilize Germs, Too

In hospitals and long-term care facilities, doctors and nurses travel between rooms with mobile computers while they make their rounds. These computers are an essential part of their job, where they can track patient records, vitals and other important information. As healthcare employees encounter ...

09.02.21 06:49 PM - Comment(s)
PowerUp: Supporting Patients, Visitors and Staff In Hospitals
PowerUp charging stations provide a convenient solution for hospitals, making it easy for patients, visitors and staff members to charge their devices, so that we can all focus on what matters most.
04.01.21 09:24 PM - Comment(s)

University of Maryland Medical Centercharging station UMMC

Home of the nation’s first shock trauma center, University of Maryland Medical Center is one of the many local and nationwide hospitals to install POWER UP™ charging technology in their facilities.
Placed in strategic locations around the hospital, POWER UP™ C...
30.08.17 12:04 AM - Comment(s)
