charging locker

Blog tagged as charging locker

Tradeshows Are Back: Power Up Your Event
Many tradeshows are opting to return to in-person and hybrid events. Device charging is a popular amenity that will help guests feel comfortable at your tradeshow.
26.07.22 11:34 PM - Comment(s)
Universities: Keep Your Campus Powered Up
Adding Power Up charging and sanitizing solutions to your campus can be a great way to utilize life safety budgets while keeping keep students, faculty, and visitors safe from germs and viruses.
16.03.22 12:37 AM - Comment(s)
Keep Arenas Safe with Mobile Charging for the NHL
New safety measures at NHL games mean fans need access to charged phones at all times.
13.10.21 11:31 PM - Comment(s)
Rent Charging Units to Try Before You Buy
Renting a charging unit from PowerUp allows you to experience the benefits of our charging lockers and other devices before making the commitment of a purchase.
25.06.21 07:59 PM - Comment(s)
